When a colon hydrotherapy session is completed, what kind of diet is advised to follow?
Colonic Aftercare Instructions
Immediately following the completion of a colon hydrotherapy session, it is essential to adhere to a few suggestions and instructions to guarantee the best possible outcomes. You have just given your body a fantastic detoxification that is also beneficial, therefore we want to ensure that you optimally feel your best over the following few days and that you can sustain your results for an extended time as possible.
It is important to consume plenty of fluids, including electrolyte drinks, juices, herbal teas, and clean water. Consuming items made from kefir is another recommendation for restoring the bacteria in your digestive tract. Try to refrain from drinking coffee prior to doing a cleanse.
Observe this diet recommendation: Consume nutritious soups for a period of up to twenty-four hours following your session. In the three days after the visit, you should restrict your overall consumption of meat and consume only foods that are simple to digest, such as cooked vegetables and soft fruits (such as bananas, mangoes, and other similar fruits).
It is strongly suggested that you include a probiotic in your diet as a supplement. The retail store that we operate has a wide selection of symbiotics- prebiotics and or probiotics.
If this is your first colonic, it is advised that you have another one within a week, and ideally, you should get two colonics in a span of two weeks, in order to get your detoxification objectives off the ground.
After Your Colonic Session
What can I anticipate from the session's conclusion?
Your regular activities can be resumed after a colon hydrotherapy session. It is critically important that you listen to your colon health practitioner and follow their advice, which may include giving your body extra time to empty any residual water. After the colon empties itself, most individuals say they feel lighter and more invigorated.
When a colon hydrotherapy session is completed, what kind of diet is advised to follow?
You are free to follow your body's clues on what to eat after your session. Some people feel hungry afterward. You are free to eat anything you want in the hours after your session. It is recommended that you stick to a lighter diet for the next day, though. Soups, broths, cooked veggies, and healthy fruits and liquids make up this eating plan. Reintroducing lean proteins like chicken, fish, and eggs to the diet is a good idea after the first day. For the first few days after colon hydrotherapy, it's best to avoid eating anything too high in fiber, thus cooked veggies are usually a better choice than raw ones.